Sunday, January 14, 2018

You Said "RUN"

You Said Run
You said I had one chance, 
You said "RUN"
But where do I go tonight?
I am gasping for air, 
For a thunder storm,
And again I swallow my love, 
I swallow my own sins.
You said "RUN"
But my lips
are attached to yours, 
Like its one skin,
But you said "RUN"
And all I see is your face, 
Right against my chin.
You said "RUN"
My heart feels unwanted, 
I want you to trust me, 
I want to be your friend,
But all of your touches, 
Makes me spin, 
Go too fast as I win,
But You said "RUN"
And I dont want to run,
But You said "RUN" 
And I dont want to run
By Sally Bani Hani

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