Monday, January 29, 2018

I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline

Our story was written too many times,
Each time, I remember something new,
It’s felt like, our eyes were re living it 
You lived hours away in an airplane
But our hearts, were always together,
I was almost sixteen of age,
Sitting on the screen I owe,
Signing in and Signing out, 
But Somehow “Naruto 1234”
was never online, though
Weeks passed and I couldn’t nudge you,
I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline
Though I could feel sadness in my heart, 
But I didn’t have any clue back then,
Though I tasted bitter, something wasn’t right
I felt agonize and ache, 
You were offline! I couldn’t nudge you
my phone screen lighted up
my best friend is calling me, 
School marks highlighted my sky
But something was up
my best friend voice was an echo
A sad, irritating echo,
I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline
My dreams were black, 
It felt like I was blind somehow
And with no any kind of warning
She said “ He says hi” 
As my body was on Goosebumps
My tears were falling like a waterfall,
And all those memories that we ever had,
Was in my head! I am re living it 
I remember, I remember the first we met, 
June 16th 2007! I remember
Your dark brown eyes looked at mine
I felt H-A-P-P-I-N-E-S-S literary
The time you told me “I love you”
I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline
Days passed, even winter came and left
And all I kept doing was waiting
Waiting for you to call me back
Like every single night,
Summer came also and everything was green
I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline
Its been too many years, 
Somehow I honestly couldn’t forget you,
The first time we kissed 
August 24th 2008 
I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline
Again, it’s been too many years,
And I am still waiting, perhaps hoping
You would call back,
I still log in to my M.S.N
Am I that crazy?
You were gone so quickly
I even forget how to breathe,
I still have those skating pairs 
The one you gave me, 
I still use your phone number,
As a password of everything I own,
I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline,
In the memory of young love,
It was the last car ride you took,
The one you wanted to surprise me,
As a long distance relationship
The last thing, the last time we talked,
Was 18th Sep 2009 
You said “ I love you” 
And literary my heart stopped
Since then, 
My heart literary stopped,
It stopped

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