Monday, March 5, 2018

Letter 81

Letter 81
I wrote a thousand letters, confessing perhaps, things might be fixed
Letter 81 
I hang every piece in me on the walls of shame
like the taste of a razor on my skin
Very noticeable and pretty
I run away from reality, like teardrops dance
on my body beautifully
My body shows strength 
I don’t break in pieces, I am no agonize 
I am myself in misery
I am a push and pull theme
I let you in on the surface of my pale face
But I wouldn’t dare to let you 
in my unrealistic scenarios
that lives in my head 
So, you would never explode
with emotions that lives in me 
I personally adore parties
Its where I escape 
on songs that makes me shivers
I am the empower
the shooting my individuality part
My weakness are movies
They affect me 
like turning my soul
in wonders and collapse
I enjoy life 
on heartbroken souls
Breakups and losing 
I don’t dare to sleep
I don’t want to miss my body
dying on the surface with dolor
on the other side screaming for help
Letter 81
I am happy that way, I no longer 
dare to change myself

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