Saturday, March 11, 2023

I am not for everyone!

I am not for everyone, there are poems that live inside of me that no one can handle they are like thunderstorms on a summery day.

I have a certain type of love deep in my veins that you will ooze the surface down, and you won't be able to stop it, you will be forever attached to the ache parts Circles with no stop you shall be tangled by the scars that lives in my skin.
No, I am not for everyone, my type of love, I have no control on,
It daily makes me scream from rooftops above the skies, and no it's not cool. I am different, the weird kind, the one who relates to the radio head- creep song on the radio. That's me, I am not for everyone.
For that, I hope when you see me in the streets you would turn left and leave, don't get attracted by the light around me.
I am not for everyone.

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