Sunday, January 14, 2018

Havent love myself enough
to let you fall in
Am I a sinner?
Differently not a saint, 
Both cases, who am I?
To pretend, its okay.
Angels are from dust, 
Humans are crushed, 
In the other stories, 
I might be a hero,
But thought 
I feel like a zero
Who am I to pretend?
In the eyes of thee, 
I could be heaven, 
Perfection of  the infection, 
And in my inner skin, 
Maps to many hold sins, 
Who am I?
A name on a card
Maybe in myths perhaps,
And when I look
Deeply in the mirror
Who am I? I asked
Maybe nothing. 
Or might be everything
Wish upon a cry
Tears are diamond
But full of emotions
Didn't love myself enough
To let you fall in,
How can I blame you?
When I didn't love myself
Enough to let you in

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