Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Red Dress

Red dress, she light a cigarette 
Jazz music is on tonight
People coming, and leaving
Some flirt, some don’t,
Red dress, she sip white wine,
Maybe few too much tequila shots
Who cares, 
Its Jazz music tonight
Black suit tie, perfect cologne
His fingers, wrapped on her neck,
So gently, she moans
Who cares,
Order too many cocktails,
So her senses, 
Would be awaken, 
He bites her lips, too hard
She, even forgot
What it feels, to be touched
Music, music blows her hair
Like it’s dancing on the aisle
That aisle is her skin,
Red dress, sits near the bar,
People stare, people stare
Who cares 
Its jazz night tonight
It’s the only time,
Where her souls reflect
His fingers, on her body,
She moans, yet
Its jazz night
Who cares? But herself

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