Tuesday, April 25, 2017

I couldn’t nudge you, you were offline 2009

Our story was written
Too and hundred many times
Each time, I write something
Something new comes up
It feels like we are re living it again,
You lived hours away in an airplane
But our hearts, mind was here
was together,
I was almost sixteen
Sitting behind the screen I owe
Signing in, signing out
Looking at the hours,
times flies away,
But somehow, "Naruto 1234"
was never online,
Weeks passed by and I
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline,
and each time I sign in,
I look at your account,
and I feel sadness,
Heavy hardheartedness
But back then, I didnt have any clues
I didn't and everything
tasted so bitter afterwards,
Something was off,
I felt agonize and ache
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
months passed now,
My light screen mobile turned on
My best friend calling me
She was telling me
How she misses me
Her voice was pale
her face was voiceless
Something was off
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
Out of no where
she says " He says hi"
and my body turn on goosebumps
Till my tears hit the floor
and flashbacks, I was seeing flashbacks
Of us and I didnt know why
On how we met, how we kissed
How everything beautiful happened,
June 16th 2007 I remember
the day you told me " I love you"
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
But I didnt care of this non sense
Instead I kept waiting by the phone
I kept waiting your call
Like every single night
Summer and winter came to and end
Two times in a row
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
Its been too many hundred years now
and no, I couldnt forget you
The first time we kissed
August 24th 2008
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
I am still waiting, by the phone
I still log in to my M.S.N
Am I that crazy?
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
I still have those skating pairs
the one you gave me,
I still use your phone number
as a password of everything I have
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
In the memory of young love
It was the last car ride you took,
the one you wanted to surprise me,
As a long distance relationship
the last thing, the time we talked
was 18th Sep 2009
You said " I love you"
and my heart literary stopped
since then
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
My heart  died since then
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline 
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline 
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline 
I couldn't nudge you
You were offline, I couldnt nudge you
You were offline.

21 Sep 2009
To M.Z
Young love

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