Saturday, May 13, 2017

My Soul

     My soul doesnt want to be loved
    When its only dark time
   I already had enough,
   As a secret lover 
  Like  a childhood trauma,
    Tonight, I would like to be loved, 
   Like your favorite song,
   On the radio
   Like a tattoo in your arm,
 the bitter sweet taste
On a empty whiskey beer bottles
That hit the floor,

My soul doesnt want to be loved, 
When the night is young,
I already went through endless circles,
I had enough,
Tonight, I want to be loved, 
Like the stories you tell, 
The warriors before bed,
Like the lips 
before being kissed,
Like the music
With touching melodies in
I command love

I command love, 
limit less
The colourful metaphors
the misfits
I demand talks,
not physically,
I command beauty
I command love
With no tears
without any fears
I ask for freedom
The canto's
For poetry,
I command love


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