Saturday, May 13, 2017

Today, I am setting you free

I am done,
Holding on to you,
On to your memory,
Throwing all love letters,
That I have held so far, too long
Ripping up the pictures, 
We once had,
Throwing out your shirts,
I am letting 
Letting you go, 
I won’t scroll through 
My camera roll
And see old pictures, 
Of you, of us, of anything else
Or screenshots
Of our conversations, and 
Also the songs we used to love
Its when I set you free,
When I tell myself,
You were only, 
A part of my life
Nothing else,
Where I move on,
Its about me this time,
My happy ness
Picking up my pieces
In heavily ever after 
Where, I would spend the rest
Of my life being complete
Without someone else
Its setting my tongue freely,
Not being nervous 
Or anything 
Its setting those butterflies
To the sky in peace
Turning over the thoughts,
Of missing you,

I am letting you go,
Not wanting you,
Near or beside my head,
I will be drinking 
My own coffee with 
Two creams, 
and Two sugars,
I will be healed,
A whole,
A happiness, 
With me,
So, today
I am finally
Letting you go,
Because you and I
are no longer anything,
And holding on to you,
Is making me worse
So, today
I am letting you go,

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