Friday, March 31, 2017

Dont Run back

Walk away from the person who broke you
You owe it to yourself, at least so

When you had too much to drink that night,
Dont run back in the moment of weakness
When loneliness feels right
Dont throw all the progress, you have made
Dont look for healing in the person who broke you once,
Dont go back, I dont want you to struggle all over, all alone
and have the same feeling of missing and wanting them,
I am telling you it is going to be hard,
It will feel like someone is taking your strength away from you
But you can resist it, I am sure you can
Dont let their promises  change your mind
Maybe they swore of change
But this time put trust in you, in yourself
No one can change in one night
Dont run back
Admitting that they are sorry wont solve it,
Wont stop it, especially after the way they treated you,
When you had too many drinks,
and watched endless love stories movies,
You will desperately want them,
because under the name of love,
But that doesnt mean weakness
Its mean your a human being
and thats alright,
Just dont run back to them,
Dont run back

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