Monday, June 5, 2017

100 Letters

Dear a 100 letters,

Perhaps this how things end
My stationary seem to give up,
All of the words in the dictionary
is fading and been used
The messages in the custom designed papers
are crumbled into glitter and ice
and here I am,
Re writing this endless soul of mine out
Picking up those promises
the little moments, that meant a lot
and let them out

Perhaps this brain freeze is how things end
Tied tongue ideas are broken
All those love, hate feelings
Gaze looking at the stars,
The once we called out of love,
Here I am picking up those high,
Those high and low moments
Where I panic, hide and get lost
where my insecurity demands a stand
of my emotions, and dont let me start
My emotions, are destructive
in a good, a beautiful masterpiece
like a wild dreamer
like myself, when I first began writing

Perhaps this mess, that I live in
Is just the start, of my own thunderstorm
and here I am, cracking up
reckless, empty, stubborn
out of the box, so sad
My body demands to stop
To be held, in someone arm's
For more than two hours late night phone mix
and this is how I look at the mirror
Re writing scenarios in my head
Building a statement
 to the last 100 letters  that I have written

This how I end it

With my passionate, dreams and sadness
I love you,

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