Saturday, August 25, 2018

To my new crush, this is for you

I always 
text you first, 
igniting space, 
is not my thing
I mean, 
I am not 
for your 
affection, me! No
I daily give 
you compliments, 
Dress nicely 
whenever we 
have supper
I shower you 
with “ I miss you”
you only send 
mixed signals!
But me pushing 
forward is my thing
I get super angry
when you cancel plans 
but still text 
you for tomorrow 
The honest part, 
I felt maybe you are
being anxious 
to get into a relationship
therefore I push 
for your attention, 
So, you would 
feel confident 
“ I am the one” 
for you 
But after 
too many years, 
I am getting 
Chasing you 
around, is tiring 
Part me know, 
I will never be your girl 
No matter how 
effort I show 
So, starting from
tomorrow, yesterday
or tonight, 
I am giving 
up on you
I am done 
trying to 
impress you, 
stalk you on 
social media for 
the sake of fun
I can’t keep putting 
myself in agony
feeling “ falling in love”
Until you find
someone else
and if we ever 
are going 
to get together
It would be
in my writings, 
that’s what I 
know for sure, 
I will stop 
chasing you, 
But it would 
never mean
that I don’t want you.

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