Saturday, August 18, 2018

I adore you and you probably adore me too

I adore you and you probably adore me too.
................................... ................................... ...
I adore you, 
You probably 
adore me too
But we 
will never know 
because we 
would rather 
not talk about. 
We are captivated
with mixed signals

I adore you, 
You probably 
adore me too
But it is risky 
To open up, 
To someone, 
I personally, wouldnt
want to jeopard 
our friendship, for 
something unknown, 
Uncertain, unexplained
I already got hurt enough

I adore you, 
You probably 
adore me too
But, if you do 
There would be 
feelings, I would feel
I would be a priority 
Not like getting a text
randomly every week
Your mind would be 
getting drove crazy!

I adore you, 
You probably 
adore me too
perhaps, its only 
A thrill, a few affects
inspirations, and feelings
I adore you, 
But I need to stop
No, I dont want to
and maybe you 
adore me too, 
but that’s not enough

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