Monday, October 16, 2017

Dear Best friend

Dear best friend,
You my darling deserve the world, yet I dont know why you dont see that, like I do
But I want you to know, that I also find myself doing that without knowing
You taught me what friendship is like, and for my entire childhood, I wouldn't have survived any without you by my side, you are a true inspiration.
I bet all of your adult friends and co works adore you just the way you are, with your amazing smile, and the talent and the creativity that you own. You are the person that someone can rely on, someone who cant live without. Yes, thats you
You are the one who lift everything up, including me <3
You might wonder why, because I remember when I needed you, you were there for me,
You caught me right, from the very start, like burning the carpet when were 5, like pulling each other hairs over soup letters when we were 8 or how when we used to play with dolls and you made it a happy ending when we were 9 or how I used to force you to play " Bait w bayout" so you wouldn't make me sad when we were 11 and all of the rest cute memories that we have spend together 

I love every time when you would listen or share a healthy tip about " eating healthy and diet"
I love your out of no where comments, I love your pink and light lipstick
I love how your always know what to do, or what to say or how to react
I love you for  being you, just you.
Dear best friend
For what its worth, you are my sister my beloved not related in one blood sister
We might be away, not living in the same country or work in the same company
but we get to see the sun rise, we get to see the sunset together, and forever

With love,
Your crazy, weird little sister <3
To Suhda Am Ali

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