Thursday, August 31, 2017

I saw him today 31-8-017

I saw him today, after years and years of being over it.
I saw him. As if time never had passed,
my heart dropped for a second when his eyes laid on me,
I tried to breathe but I couldn't.
His eyes were my favorite thing about him,
and the way he used to look at me.
He was standing there giving the same exact look tell me,
how am I supposed to breathe?
After all this time and he still has the power leaving me speechless.
He is now walking towards me and all I can do is stare a
t him.
He is walking towards me and all I could think of how he smelled
so incredibly good, Because God, I had almost forgotten how precious he was.
And he said my name right there, on the same exact corner when we first met,
listening to the same old man playing the same sad jazz song, at the same time when its about to sunset, I felt it, all over again, the way my blood rushes like flash light over my veins, the way my heart races to the sound of his voice and how my heart felt restored every time I hear him talk. I wanted to say something I wanted to say lots of things but instead I stood there looking into his eyes and everything around seemed to vanish, time stopped and all I could think about was the fact that I was still madly in love with him and how I am dead and he is alive. How all the memories became nothing but pain in my heart.

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