Thursday, August 31, 2017

For my daughter,

For my daughter,
Your going to be born in a community that will try to sew yours lips,
 they will try to tie into chains, and steal your voice away,
but your my babe, the fire of the flames, you roar widely,
never let anyone silence yourself. 

Your going to grow up surrounded by people
who will body shame you according to some ideas of perfectionism,
but no dear your body shape or the way you walk doesn't define beauty,
 whatever your body is, you are beautiful.
Beautiful doesn
't have standards, you wear your comfort happiness and
roll yourself out, you can be whatever you want to be as long as you are you.
You will meet boys in the classroom, at work maybe outside or indoor
if they ever bully you or said something hurtful, 

you will act like your deaf and not listen and no my dear sweetie
 that doesn't mean that he likes you, no!
You raise your voice and attitude and show him how strong you are.
 Tell that boy to shut up and march.
I know young love is awesome, I have been there,
but focus on your education and if you turn out to be like me
loving pink Floyd you will totally adore the song " we dont need to education"
especially when your exams are coming up. But No!
I need you to understand education comes first
its the goal of anything, do it and then you can do whatever you want.
Babe girl, your going to be born in a community
 who does not support females, strong females I mean,
I need you to inspire everyone to stand for themselves,
I need you to be balance, to support, to motivate,
to touch the world with your magic
And know this: Nothing can ever stop you, not even me
Listen to your heart and demand love.
Show the world the power of you, the power of woman
Your not a girl, you are a voice a revolution
You are my babe girl
By Sally Bani Hani

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