Friday, July 28, 2017

Answering all the Questions you once send: MF

Answering all the Questions you once send: MF
- While music plays in my head, I imagine myself as this 
Heartbroken, single and ached person
I search for those memories where I cried myself to bed,
Where I wished a car would hit me, till I dont feel a thing
Till I feel the shivers on my skin only,
- I remember the time, where you asked me, if I ever had to leave my country,
And bring one suitcase with me,
It shall be you, our love, respect and hope
but because the only reason I might leave is when I die, simply.
You asked me this as well, 

- If I had a choice to either feel pain or feel nothing, I would chose pain
Because it would remind me of being a human who loves and get loved back,
It would remind me when you hurt me and I had to cry so bad, and also this,
- If I had the chance to relive the last 3 years of my life,
I would change nothing, okay everything
The way I write my insecurities to the world, the way I read, see
things differently, the way I am right now, I would be me just me
- Dont ask me what is the best feelings, because the world best is related to happy
But I am no happy, I am damaged, and I like that about me.
- Remember when you asked me, on what did I think my parents biggest mistake was?
Me, they gave me a life, I am a sin a terrible person I am useless
Without me, I am sure, they would be happy.
- My goal for this year is nothing, I have no goals, and yes I am not that bold to tell
anyone that I wish nothing this year or the next and the last.
- What made my hardest breakup so painful, is that believed I could be loved back,

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