Wednesday, January 25, 2017

This when I unlove you

If you are worrying about me still loving you, then dont!
I will give my brain an order,
Where I un love you, simply I will un love you
When my tears start to dry up, when I stop listening to chasing cars
I will un love you as soon my nightmares leave my sorrow
When I stop looking at your photographs, when I erase your number
When my body start to be strong again, and leave you
When I would be happy till the next day come and when the rain start to plummet
When my chest stop feeling ache, when my soul gets tired,
When I longer wait for you to call at 3 in the morning,
When my poetry demand a full stop,
I will un love you as soon as acceptance comes,
When the sun meets mars, When winter ask Summer
When I fall asleep without pain killer,
When I feel enough and happy, when I am not silly or dull
When I bury the love I have for you, like it was nothing
Like we were strangers,
When I stopped telling my friends about you,
Or the places we have been too,
When I stopped checking my phone every minute
When taking a shower, wont be bothered by me thinking of you
I will un love you when I am strong enough
When I move on to another dimension
When I wear white and leave
When I am gone
When I am no longer a liar
When I am no longer hurting
Thats when I will un love you

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