Friday, May 13, 2022

My essence

 My spirit refuses to be loved.

I'd had enough by the time it became dark.

As a long distance lover,
Like a childhood
traumatic event,
Instead, I'd like to be
loved tonight.
As if we were a song.
On the airwaves
The bittersweet flavor
like a tattoo on your arm.
On a broken sadness bottle
that fell to the ground,

My spirit refuses
to be loved.
I had had enough
of going around
in circles when the night
is young.
I'd like to be loved tonight.
Like the tales you spin,
Before going to bed,
the warriors
Before being kissed,
like the lips,
I command love with
touching melodies.

I command love, 
limit less
The colourful metaphors
the misfits 
I demand talks,
not physically, 
I command beauty
I command love
With no tears
without any fears
I ask for freedom
The canto's
For poetry,
I command love

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