Tuesday, May 10, 2022

I suffer from anxiety, yet I am a strong woman!

 Anxiety is a constant battle for me.
It does not imply that I am incapable.
There are days
when I can't get out of bed,
but I force myself to.
When my body chooses not to listen
to the voice inside of me,
I proclaim myself to be deaf.

The best thing about having anxiety
It's when people assume
That I am shaking at parties.
But all I'm doing is shivering.

I have anxiety and I am good with it.
Simple things might easily distract me,
such as how people stare at me
when I stutter or how I get bullied,
but I refuse to let it rule me.
I command myself to be more positive,
as if I were a very motivated person,
which I am not!

I suffer from anxiety,
but I manage it
by pushing myself out
of my comfort zone on occasion.
To be on the verge of something
I'm on the verge of glory,
yet I'm still striving.

To be honest,
I am really smitten by my setbacks.
It's the only thing that keeps me on track.
I have anxiety, and I adore it!
(sarcastically speaking)
Lead me to the light!
It's the only thing keeping me alive.

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