Monday, May 9, 2022

I hope you never lose faith in love.

I wish you never abandon
your believe in love.
I hope you fight for love even
when your heart is broken,
your trust is wrecked,
and you have a sadness that pours
into your blood and settles inside your bones.
Being open to embracing love.
To maintain one's faith in love.
I understand how difficult it is.

I know it's easier to convince 
yourself that love isn't for you,
that it's only for teenage fantasies.
I understand how easy it is to believe
the myth that you are unlovable,
that you are intrinsically flawed,
and that you are better off alone.

I understand. I promise
But I hope you fight the impulse to cling
on to those lies and instead recognize
that you are worthy of love and
that love is intended for you as well.
Yes, you as well.

So, remember to believe in love.
Believe in the thing that sets your spirit fire,
that makes your heart race and feel like
it can't remain within your body.
Believe in the goodness
makes you feel like you are 
standing in the sun on a hot summer day.

I hope you keep believing in the personal scenes
that can only exist between two persons.
Silence that is soothing rather than frightening.
A deep awareness of the light and sorrow
that exists within the heart of another person.
Tangled arms, tangled words, and
a feeling of connection that even the
dictionary has yet to completely define.

I hope you never lose faith in the power
of opening your heart to another person 
and in the beauty that comes from your
relationship and togetherness.
It's the kind of enchantment that can shift
mountains and convince you that anything is possible.

I pray you never lose faith in love,

because love will never lose faith in you.

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