Tuesday, May 22, 2018

You probably wont read this, but I miss you

You probably wont read this, but I miss you 
You never let my mind, everything reminds me of you,
The hundred love letters that I wrote
The hundred unsent messages
I know, we were never each other to have
But you made a mark on me
I never thought, that I have so much emotions
Inside of me, until the day I first met you
You probably wont read this, but I miss you

We haven't known each other that much
But something about your energy
Grab my fully attention
Make sense?
 Its been a while now,
My mind is not calming down!
You were like a song
That one song that hit the core
and I love it!
You probably wont read this, but I miss you
You made me feel things,
I was never made to feel
God, if you know can see
How am I full with things for you
You will just come back
Still, I know for sure you wont
I miss you way too much
Like I never missing anyone before you
Call me, will you?
I will give you my both hands,
Even if it means drowning

You probably wont read this, but I miss you


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