Saturday, May 5, 2018

Just another pointless crush

It was so stupid of me,
to think that maybe those little interactions 
that happened between us meant you had feelings too
they were meaningless, who am I kidding here?
I thought, maybe just because you texted me first then 
I was on your mind,
but you were only being friendly
you when you even complimented by purple suit,
it was just a passing remark
I am so stupid to assume that
I was something important to you, 
Especially since I always the one taking the lead, 
I was the one sending selfies and long texts,
I was throwing hints and you were creating 
excuses on how busy you are or where
I honestly thought you were perfect, 
even though there was a million signs of your dark sides
But I just wanted not to believe instead, I pushed for more 
But I am stupid, I knew your actions was going to hurt me 
but I kept my emotions to myself and I faked it, I faked the show
Oh, How stupid was I trying to capture your attention, 
Instead of focusing it on people who actually care,
 I obsessed over making you to like me!
I wore cute outfits, and I revolved my life around you,
but you were blind!
 I was stupid to waste my time waiting for your non coming texts
To wait for you to call me, “ I miss you”
I was stupid trying to chase you down, but Who am I kidding
I will never be that girl, who will drive you crazy in a good way 
It was so stupid to like you 
It was stupid of me to waste my affection on 
someone who never even appreciated it 
Because you  are just another pointless crush 
nothing more.

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