Saturday, July 14, 2018

All I asked for

I have looked around, 
No signs to lead for you, 
Aired up the sky, 
Bullets hit the ground, 
Religions prove angles. 
Books write stories, 
No destination, 
Am I a myth?Nor an illusion
Cant be human?No way a solution,
Could I be dead?
Or immortal
Maybe with or without
I searched for you,
Rules and examination, 
Knocked my face, 
Put me underground, 
All I asked for, 
For you to help me out, 
A lighten candle 
To seek me not, 
But all I have found, 
Were legands 
That punched me down, 
All I asked for, 
Was a road, in my dreams, 
Maybe wake me 
Throught and in 
Those blooms, 
All I asked for, 
For your appearence, 
Maybe nothing more 
And in the end, 
I ask myself, 
Am I a zero?
Somehow near to
To become a hero

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