Saturday, November 5, 2016

Be Different

Sometimes being different is more attractive than being a normal person, and if you think about it what makes a normal person so special? I dont believe its their daily routine actions or how they are dressed or the way they eat, its more than the outside looks or behaviors. Its what inside you that makes you so unique, the way you think, and the way you see the world.

Imagine if the world we live in shares the same things we do or shares the same ideas that we think of, I mean that would be boring! So by being a total different person, you change the world it would be more colourful and bright, I know its not easy, but at least its different than what people think or expect.

The universe we live in gave us a change to be different as you can see around you, we dont share the same skin colour, dreams or cultures. Therefore its another reason why different is sweet as honey, together combining our unique difference we can make this world a better place. A different place.
Also remember if anyone ever called you that, dont take it personally, but take it as a compliment
Your different! Which mean that your unique, like the solar system.

#BeDifferent #BeSpecial #BeYourself

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