Tuesday, September 17, 2019

[ I know he is not going ]

I know he is not going
to respond to my messages
I am not his priority and probably
I will burst into tears and
write a new poem
Its been 3 minutes,
he hasn't responded yet
Is it something I said?
Or he might not have seen it
Wait, let me just create
an acceptable excuse for me
I will just try to distract myself
10 minutes now!
It feels like ages funny huh!
Maybe he is taking
a nap or driving or busy
I only miss him!
Nothing important there
Should I send another emojis,

I will just turn my phone off,
in case he calls me
Who am I kidding here?
Is he breaking up with me?
Am I not enough!
That's it
Oh wait, he just sends me a snap-chat
With the caption " Gang Time"
At least he is doing okay,
Do I reply? Maybe no

1 month
He sees me buying milk
Looks at me and throw the silliest excuse
" My phone is broken"
I simply swallowed it and continued walking
He kept talking " I miss you"
I miss you too " secretly talking to myself"
I deserve better!
3 Months
I miss you
9 Months
Happy Birthday!
1 year
He called, finally he did
But its too late now
I am up
But he called

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