Saturday, September 14, 2019

Can you imagine

Can you imagine,
it has been two weeks already
Since we last talked
In the first week,
When you were mad at me
In the second week,
When you passed away
You know,
Its the worst two weeks of my life
I never imagined to time pass like
without us talking or see each other

What hurts the most is
You died while being mad at me
I swear, I did not mean to hurt you
It was a misunderstanding
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
I honestly wanted to apologize
From the next day, the first week but
My dignity has been holding me back
How stupid of I?
I'm such a terrible person
For choosing my dignity over you
Our friendship is more important
God! It is the best in the world
I just never expected this
Me losing you like that
would become a heck.
I never expected to lose you.
Or you leaving me like that

You used to tell me that
"Everything is replaceable"
We used to say this to each other
When we deeply know that not everything is
Not everything is replaceable
There are a lot of people who are irreplaceable
There will always be a friend
if we lose their friendship then
nothing will be safe anymore
You are not replaceable

I know and I bet
I won't find someone like you
For the empty space that you left
Just tell me
who is going to go out with me?
Who is going to understand me without saying?
Who is going to listen to me, embracing out?
Who will stand by my side, in my challenges, in the joy, in the sorrow, in everything? Who? Just tell me who?
You are like a brother,
a friend and a soul
You are my shoulder,
the one I lean on to
You are my best friend.

I hope you would forgive me
Knowing that I have hurt you
I made you sad in your last days
How selfish of me to even ask
But I am sure that you will, I hope so
I mean,
You have a pure heart,
You are a giver,
If you can just see my tears now
While writing you this letter,
You will slowly put your hands on my chin
and stop me from crying,
But you are not here,
You are gone
I can't even call you,
Your phone is disconnected now

I don't know how far you are from me now
But I know the distance is countless
limitless, like an infinite
But you will always be the closest to my heart
I will always turn to you for advice
In every crisis, like I used to
Because you are my source of hope

Before finishing writing this,
Before wearing the black suit
and going to visit you
I love you,
I was lucky to have you
A best friend like you is everything
I won't have someone like you again

Here I am on your grave
Adding this to the letter
May God rest your soul in peace
I know you are in heaven
I will pray for you every day
I promise, every day

Don't worry, I will not stop visiting you
So you won't feel scared
I keep visiting you. you're always scared.
Here I am closing this letter,
and I will attach it on your grave |
So when you miss me,
You can read the lines I wrote
Take care of yourself
Forgive me

To everyone who read this,
This is for you:
If you ever get mad at someone, or
if you ever hurt anyone
Please talk to them, try to solve it
Don't let anything even your dignity to stop you
Ask for forgiveness and forgive back

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