Tuesday, May 22, 2018

You probably wont read this, but I miss you

You probably wont read this, but I miss you 
You never let my mind, everything reminds me of you,
The hundred love letters that I wrote
The hundred unsent messages
I know, we were never each other to have
But you made a mark on me
I never thought, that I have so much emotions
Inside of me, until the day I first met you
You probably wont read this, but I miss you

We haven't known each other that much
But something about your energy
Grab my fully attention
Make sense?
 Its been a while now,
My mind is not calming down!
You were like a song
That one song that hit the core
and I love it!
You probably wont read this, but I miss you
You made me feel things,
I was never made to feel
God, if you know can see
How am I full with things for you
You will just come back
Still, I know for sure you wont
I miss you way too much
Like I never missing anyone before you
Call me, will you?
I will give you my both hands,
Even if it means drowning

You probably wont read this, but I miss you


Untitled yet

I know he is not going to respond to my messages
Clearly, I am not his priority and probably 
I will burst into tears and write a new poem 
Its been 3 minutes, he haven't responded yet
Is it something I said? Or he might not have seen it 
Wait, let me just create an acceptable excuse for me 
Meanwhile, I will just try to distract myself 
10 minutes now! It feels like ages funny huh! 
Maybe he is taking a nap or driving or busy
I only miss him! Nothing important there
Should I send another emojis, 
I will just turn my phone off, in case he calls me
Who am I kidding here?
Is he breaking up with me?
Am I not enough! Clearly thats it 
Oh wait, he just send me a snap-chat 
With the caption " Gang Time"
At least he is doing okay,
Do I reply? Maybe no 
1 month 
He sees me buying milk
Looks at me and throw the silliest excuse 
" My phone is broken" 
I simply swallowed it and continued walking 
He kept talking " I miss you"
I miss you too " secretly talking to myself"
I deserve better!
3 Months
I miss you
9 Months
Happy Birthday!
1 year
He called, finally he did
But its too late now
I am up
But he called
When its too late

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Short Lines By S

I felt you more than you felt about yourself.
You were my first heart beat love just like my love for music that I just discovered in my veins.
You made me feel! I was never made to feel.
If you ever got bored living in the skies, then give me a phone call or at least a sign! I am here, you can count on me! 
Just the thought of me writing for you makes me calm a bit.
You are with me, even if we were never together.
I have loved you once and its my forever.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Just another pointless crush

It was so stupid of me,
to think that maybe those little interactions 
that happened between us meant you had feelings too
they were meaningless, who am I kidding here?
I thought, maybe just because you texted me first then 
I was on your mind,
but you were only being friendly
you when you even complimented by purple suit,
it was just a passing remark
I am so stupid to assume that
I was something important to you, 
Especially since I always the one taking the lead, 
I was the one sending selfies and long texts,
I was throwing hints and you were creating 
excuses on how busy you are or where
I honestly thought you were perfect, 
even though there was a million signs of your dark sides
But I just wanted not to believe instead, I pushed for more 
But I am stupid, I knew your actions was going to hurt me 
but I kept my emotions to myself and I faked it, I faked the show
Oh, How stupid was I trying to capture your attention, 
Instead of focusing it on people who actually care,
 I obsessed over making you to like me!
I wore cute outfits, and I revolved my life around you,
but you were blind!
 I was stupid to waste my time waiting for your non coming texts
To wait for you to call me, “ I miss you”
I was stupid trying to chase you down, but Who am I kidding
I will never be that girl, who will drive you crazy in a good way 
It was so stupid to like you 
It was stupid of me to waste my affection on 
someone who never even appreciated it 
Because you  are just another pointless crush 
nothing more.

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