Monday, October 24, 2016

Some days

Some days, I wonder
If I will ever have a love like ours again
I write a lot of things about love, you deserve
Self- love and hope to find the right relationship
However, there are some days, Where I ask myself,
“ What if I never find that kind of love again?”
I mean, if I am honest,
 never loved someone as much as I loved you
After we went our separate ways I found myself
Afraid to fall in love that much again,
I had even barely managed to put myself back together,
When we ended, and I just wasn’t sure, I could do it
for a second time,
I still remember how it felt to love you,
How I was head over heels, you and I,
we were something unexpected, yet!
something wonderful,
We had a relationship that a lot of people told me,
They wish they had, and I know I wasn’t your first love,
But I also know you loved me deeply,
We always supported each other, and fought our battles
Heads on and hand in hand,
It was safe, it was almost like home
You were like home to me,
We didn’t make it, the home we built,
 caught fire and cold,
That made us sick in a way that left no choice,
 But to walk away,
Those days have long passed,
However it’s been years now
Since our home burned and left to heaven,
And although I have had a relationships,
none of them
were like what you and I had,
I haven’t fallen in love in such a way
 and it doesn’t feel like anyone else
Have loved me the way you did,
Despite all of that,
I still hold onto hope,
I still believe that eventually,
I will have another love that is so incredible that I will want it
Around for the rest of my life,
Maybe we can build a palace or a mountain view,
 Be happy and fully again,
But it will never be like the home we had once,
By Sally Bani Hani

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