Sunday, January 31, 2016

I am not a Sunday Morning

I am not a Sunday morning,
Passing out energy
Sipping coffee for the sake of love,
No, I am not a sunflower,
Humming like birds, 
For anyone to notice me,
I am the left hangover,
Of a whiskey bottle,
The bitter taste,
I am those quotes at 3 in the morning,
Those tears that hit the floor,
I am the one who weep poetry,
I am agonize, 
Mentally gone with the wind,
I am a broken window, 
attractive but destructive
On valentine day,
Staring at others
While I blame my skin,
I am a gunshot,
Shooting my individuality, 
I am a piece of awkward sadness,
I belong to the leap days,
On winter and summer,
I am the light and black,
You can see my lighting,
Cause I am only an echo
Who shivers at night?
I am nothing memorable
Cause I seek for dramatically reasons,
And those verses who haunts down,
I am not a morning person,
I am a waste of time,
That rapes your soul out,
I am the strong, but I break
I mean,
I am the break, cause strong 
Was never my thing 
I am that last sip of tea,
The ending of love,
Heart gripping poetry
Last of everything
Last of myself,
I am so broken,
yet so beautiful in my brokenness,
I am the false of every click
You failed! Yes I failed
I am not a happy person,
At least I pretend to be,
But I am not,
I break, I break, I break. 

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