Saturday, March 11, 2023

I am not for everyone!

I am not for everyone, there are poems that live inside of me that no one can handle they are like thunderstorms on a summery day.

I have a certain type of love deep in my veins that you will ooze the surface down, and you won't be able to stop it, you will be forever attached to the ache parts Circles with no stop you shall be tangled by the scars that lives in my skin.
No, I am not for everyone, my type of love, I have no control on,
It daily makes me scream from rooftops above the skies, and no it's not cool. I am different, the weird kind, the one who relates to the radio head- creep song on the radio. That's me, I am not for everyone.
For that, I hope when you see me in the streets you would turn left and leave, don't get attracted by the light around me.
I am not for everyone.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

سأُحبكَ في الأيام التي اخترت ان لا تستقيظ

 سأُحبكَ في الأيام التي اخترت ان لا تستقيظ

عندما تكون غرفة نومك مسكونة بأفكار سلبية
حين تشعر وكأنك اصبحت أصم من لون السماء
و أعمي من لحن الموسيقى
سأُحبك فأنا سأكون صوتك الداخلي
الذي سيحفزك إلى الأمام
سأدعك تكون على طبيعتك بالكامل
أنا سأكون الضحكة على الطرف الآخر من الهاتف
أُخبرك عن ذكرى تشاركنا بها
سأكون يدك الثانية
اضع أصابعي على وجهك النحيل ببطء
ونصلي كشخص واحد
سأُحبك في الأيام الزرقاء
حين لا تريد أن تستمر
عندما تحدق في الجدار الفارغ
بلا مشاعر وصامت بلا أمل
عندما كل شيء حلمت به
يصبح خدشا على ورقة
عندما تُهزم و عندما تتألم
سأُحبك سأكون كتفك و جسدا شافيا
فأنا أرفض أن أكون شخصا
صامت يتنفس بتجاهك
سأكون صوت عالً
عندما لا تريد أن تحب نفسك
عندما تستيقظ عيوبك من جديد
عندما لم تعد تعرف من أنت
سأكون معك
سأشارك تلك الصور التي التقطناها على إنستغرام
في الليلة التي أعطيتني فيها علبة بطاطا مقلية
في الليلة التي قلت فيها "أحبك"
في الليلة وفي الليلة
التي تشاركنا فيها الذكريات معا
سأُحبك عندما تستلقي على السرير
و لا تستطيع ان تتحرك
سأمسك كلتا يديك
وسوف نثوب معاً
نعم ، سنفعل
سأُحبك حتى عندما يذهب الجميع
حتى تغمض عينيك آخر مرة
حتى لو توقفت آلات الجحيم تلك
حيث ذلك المربع المليء بدقات القلب
يصبح خط مستقيم أو
إذا طلب مني أولئك الذين يساعدون الناس للرحيل
حتى لو انتحرت الشمس نفسها
سأُحبك من كل قلبي
سأبقى أحبك
حتى لو لم تكن هنا معي
حتى عندما تكون الغرفة
مليئة بأشخاص يرتدون الأسود
سأُحبك كل يوم
عندما تستيقظ وأنا لست هنا بجانبك

You think you have survived

You think you have survived.
Then the feeling that you were not good enough
for that special person, eats you alive

Then you are defeated again, by the feelings
 your sacrifices were not appreciated, and
all the long distances you traveled were for
the sake of someone who did not take a single step for you،

You think you survived,
then the memory of being replaced beats you up
And that giving up on you was simpler than you expected،
You are the one who stuck to them and overlooked
their mistakes so,
that your relationship with them can continue

You think you have survived
Then an idea crushes you
You were putting someone you loved
in a special place, a
n exception for everyone
The focus of your universe!
While he considers you a transient person
who can be replaced and waived
At the earliest opportunity
sad isn't it?

You think you have survived
But you are defeated once more
by the idea that despite everyone around you
You don't have someone you can cry in front of,
That you support everyone, but
When it's your turn to tend, 
There is no one around you to lean on

You think you have survived
Then a conversation with an old friend finishes you off
Because you promised each other 
To walk together in hard and sweetness
And now we are like strangers 
Oh wait, strangers smile at each other sometimes
But we don't, we stopped! 

You think you have survived
And then you are defeated by the idea that
You don't have the luxury of
declaring your defeat from the world,
you don't have the luxury of crying or being sad،
Of even breaking down.

You think you have survived
Then all attempts to succeed kills you
Although you stayed up many nights 
and struggled to climb your dreams 
To reach your goals
but all you really received
were anxiety, stress, and depression 
And here you are at the starting point 
Raising your white flag and ready to give up

You think you have survived
Then all the situations that ate you
kills you all over again
From the blames for their mistakes
to beat you against the wall
Accusing you of what is not in you

You think you have survived
Then an idea defeats you
That everything was going the opposite of what you wanted,
although you did not fall short in anything

رسالة إليك

  ربما أنت لا تذكر ما الي سأقوله ولكن سأقول في الحالتين أتذكر المرة الأولى التي التقينا فيها يوم الجمعة 25 أكتوبر 2019 في الصباح الباكر عندم...