Friday, March 29, 2019

The first time I saw you

The first time I saw you,
You asked me a tricky question
" Who are you?"
I lied and told you the basics but
What you don't know that I am a mix
a mixture of different ages,
I have a very complex multi personalities
I don't even know what my mood is going to be
after 10 minutes, so don't ask me
I am not sad nor happy
I am at the hardest stage.
I never feel anything, and I am barely feeling
And I have no power to speak,
Trust me,  if there was anything quieter than silence, I would.
The second time I saw you,
You asked me this
" How are you surviving?"
I answered you with I slept
I slept a lot until I realized this
My weight on you, and therefore
I spared you, my talks, and my interests.
I am so tired, and I honestly thought
that I needed to sleep only, but it's more than that.
it's been too long that I feel my heart
will burst from sorrow any minute
I remember after a while of us meeting
Something has gone out of my heart
It will never be the same no matter how hard I try

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