Friday, February 8, 2019

Adore me

Adore me, do not send me lost signals, 
tell me about yourself
Please raise your voice, 
do not hold your emotions, 
let you pour out
Use your words. 
Raise your voice. 
I want your eyes to look straight into mine
to see your vulnerable side. 
Don't let me chase you, be too much, 
you either be in and just out
A little respect is not too much to ask for,
 I want all-inclusive love. 
An unmistakable love.
I don’t want you to play it cool. 
I want you to adore me
I want you to adore me
deeply, simply and happily 
Reach out to me and touch my hands
Take a deep breath
Inhale and exhale it brightly
Adore me, please 
With no flowers or #RelationshipGoals
I want you to want me fiercely

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