Monday, January 23, 2023

"Its 3 AM and its the only time you text me"

 "Its 3 AM and its the only time you text me"

Its 3 AM, and its the only time he remember me
My phone dances waking up my body to solo
I curse on myself, for not having it on flight mood
The way my mobile dances, I know it him
My fingers and I are not that friends, so whenever
He text, my friends betray me as always to answer
Its 3 AM, and its the only time he text
I keep myself sleeping all the night
Roaming around the memories that I want to repeat in
Laying in my sofa, waiting for a nonsense text
Just to complete a pleasure on having someone
attention is all I ever needed,
Though on mid days, I lie to the true me, on
how moving on and being independent is all I want
But lets face it, we all do that
Its 3 AM, and its the only time he remember me
He reaches out for me, when he is too wasted
or lonesome, I convince myself maybe
after all, I must mean something to him
But my veins appear to be bold like a tattoo on
my skin to remind me, on things he used to do
I allowed my ears to repeat his words to me
" I am not ready" he said
Its 3 AM and its the only time he text
He made me become his emotional pillow
Like a placeholder temptation
But I no longer want that,
I dont need a pity pale faces
or any of his another excuses
I no longer want to be his lighthouse
So next time when he remember me
At 3 AM
I will demand my body not to awake
While I dance on the shivers of the night
Its 3 AM
and my body moves to the table
reaching to my phone
writing down the pin code
opening the message
read it and
it says " I miss you,
hope you are watching over me,
I know you wont receive this, but just
in case you are up there, you might read it
it might make you smile,
I miss you,
I hope you are in heaven"
Its 3 AM
Its the only time he remember me
No photo description available.

i and 3 other

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

#Newpoem #LinesByS

 In a temporary world,

we are never meant to find
a permanent home.
Other people were never
supposed to love you
into a sense of security.
The truth is that you have come
to establish a home for yourself
within your own heart.
You have come to discover
not that you don't require connection,
but that nothing else is possible
unless you are connected to yourself.
You have come to discover
the confidence to build your own life,
not to bury yourself in someone else's.
You are your own
personal space.
You are the one
you have been looking for.
You are your life's love and
the protagonist of this tale.
Peace can be found in your chest.
Love is found in your heart.
Inspiration can be found in your mind.
People who accompany you on your path
should never be taken for granted, and they
should never be used for
your own emotional work.
Because the truth is that
no one else's responsibility
it is to make us feel safe,
that everything is in order.
You will never be at peace
with the world until you are
at peace with yourself.
This is because you will be always
expecting things to be different than they are,
constantly expecting people
to live up to your expectations,
and continuously weaving
around your anxieties.
Instead, you must understand that home
is a state of being rather than a notion or a location.
It's a way of approaching life and
making it your own.
It's a method of finding solace in the outlines
of who you are now,
rather than who you might
become in the future.
It's the way you look
for presence in everything,
realizing that nothing
is supposed to be flawless,
but that everything is a new experience
you have never had before
and may never have again.
We have come to recognize
that we are the source
of our own existence,
of everything we make,
of everything we are.
We are our home



ستتركين الألم يمر من خلالك لتشعري بجميع مشاعرك
و من ثم سشعرين بالوحدة كما و أن الكدماتكِ تسقط
ستبكين بحرقة و تبقي في البيت
ستتركين دموعكِ تتدفق بحرية و كأنها ترقص
لأن يصبح جلدكِ مشققاً و عيناكِ تتورم بسلام
فعندها انتِ لن تعرفي نفسكِ في المرأة
ستتجاهلين الرسائل من أصدقائك
خصوصا عندما يسألونكِ إن كنتِ بخير
ستتجنبين رؤية أي شخص
لتخبريهم كم أنتِ تتألمين
ستشعرين و كما لو أن العالم قد انهار
ستتمنين أن يكون هناك شخص ما لإنقاذكِ
لو أن أحدا ما يستطيع أن يلف ذراعيه حولكِ
ويجعلك تشعرين بخير مجددا
لو أن شخصاً ما يستطيع أن يخفف من شعور الغرق
لكن بقدر ما تريدين هذا ، أنت لا تستطيعين تخيله حقاً
لا يمكنكِ تخيل شعور جيد مرة أخرى.
ربما سترتدين نفس الملابس لبضعة أيام
ستنامين على صوت نفس الأغنية
و مع الأيام ستصبحين منهكة عاطفياً
لكنني اعدك ذات صباح سترين الشروق
وستشعرين بحسرة قلبك مجددا
لكن شيئا مميزا سيحدث
ستشعرين بقليل من الدفء
ستشعرين بشيء يستحق التمسك به
وحينها ستعرفين أنكِ ستنجوين وستتخطين هذا
وبعد ذلك
ستدركين أن الأمر متروك لكِ لتتحسنِ
الأمر متروك لكِ لتجدي طريقة للخروج
لا أحد يستطيع إنقاذكِ
لا يمكنكِ أن تكتئبين للأبد
في أعماقكِ
يجب أن تقنعين نفسكِ بأن تتحسني
عليكِ أن تجمعي كل ذرة من القوة
لتتمكني من إنقاذ نفسك
انتي قوية


رسالة إليك

  ربما أنت لا تذكر ما الي سأقوله ولكن سأقول في الحالتين أتذكر المرة الأولى التي التقينا فيها يوم الجمعة 25 أكتوبر 2019 في الصباح الباكر عندم...