Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Short Poem " Trust me"

 Dear darling here are some reminders

You don’t need his attention to feel pretty nor his friendship to feel lucky. You will never find real love if your still stuck in the memories of the old ones. Trust me, you will regret wasting your time with him, or her. Please remember you are beautiful and your worthwhile
If he makes you feel shitty this early, you don’t want to imagine what he will act like if you to get married, right?
Its better for him to break your heart not than 5 years from now!
If he really loved you, then he wouldn’t make you feel this way (Full of Doubts). Trust me, an unanswered text is a good sign, it means it time to move on! Yes, Maybe he wasn’t your soul mate, maybe he just another boy, simple and If you can’t trust him, then you cant build a life with he. You are pretty comfort is more important than his ego, I know he might be cute, but his looks will fade, and his crappy personality will stay the same. Trust me, you can fall in love again and endlessly
You are too pretty to be sad, don’t be Think of it in a way, “if” your best friend were the dating a guy like him, I am sure you will ask her to dump him right?
Us woman, our standers are high,
Remember, #relationships are meant to reduce your stress,
not add to it, right?
Trust me, you can’t change him,

no matter how deeply you love him. Spend less on boys and focus on your friends and passions, Its your job to make yourself feel whole,
Don’t trust promises, they are broken more than they are kept
Delete him from Facebook please, all you have to do is “press”
Your strong, you can handle heartache,
Don’t waste time waiting for his replies on your messages,
You can live without him, you can, trust your guts
Remember, missing him doesn’t mean texting him again,
You deserve to be loved, Remember that,

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