Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Short Poem " Trust me"

 Dear darling here are some reminders

You don’t need his attention to feel pretty nor his friendship to feel lucky. You will never find real love if your still stuck in the memories of the old ones. Trust me, you will regret wasting your time with him, or her. Please remember you are beautiful and your worthwhile
If he makes you feel shitty this early, you don’t want to imagine what he will act like if you to get married, right?
Its better for him to break your heart not than 5 years from now!
If he really loved you, then he wouldn’t make you feel this way (Full of Doubts). Trust me, an unanswered text is a good sign, it means it time to move on! Yes, Maybe he wasn’t your soul mate, maybe he just another boy, simple and If you can’t trust him, then you cant build a life with he. You are pretty comfort is more important than his ego, I know he might be cute, but his looks will fade, and his crappy personality will stay the same. Trust me, you can fall in love again and endlessly
You are too pretty to be sad, don’t be Think of it in a way, “if” your best friend were the dating a guy like him, I am sure you will ask her to dump him right?
Us woman, our standers are high,
Remember, #relationships are meant to reduce your stress,
not add to it, right?
Trust me, you can’t change him,

no matter how deeply you love him. Spend less on boys and focus on your friends and passions, Its your job to make yourself feel whole,
Don’t trust promises, they are broken more than they are kept
Delete him from Facebook please, all you have to do is “press”
Your strong, you can handle heartache,
Don’t waste time waiting for his replies on your messages,
You can live without him, you can, trust your guts
Remember, missing him doesn’t mean texting him again,
You deserve to be loved, Remember that,

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The right person

 The right person,

The right person won't be bothered
by your breakdowns or your meltdowns

Instead he shall find beauty in them,
Take care of them so slowly as they are
a rare antiques masterpiece.

The right person shall make you feel important
He will see your over thinking is an aesthetic quality.
It won't even bother him.
He will understand because
he cares about your feelings.

The right person will do his best
to keep you two together.

Just like butterflies.
He shall make you feel comfortable and loved

The right person,
won't run away from your problems

But will turn every

negative feeling into frowning laughs

He shall will always be here for you
Just to make all your days happy.

The right person, won't judge you
He'll join you to be on the same line.
And your madness will grow louder and stronger.
It will make you laugh until it hurts your stomach.

The right person won't mind giving you
the reassurance you need.
Just to feel like you owned the whole world.
You'll feel every object around you.
And you'll live a life without compliments or challenges.

The right person won't stop texting you.
Even if the Earth splintered or the sun swallowed.
He'll always be around you to
encourage you to come forward.
He will make you proud of yourself
as if it was your dear father

The right person, won't break your heart
You'll be happy as a child, thriving.
He will even brag about you anytime and anytime
He sees your little flaws as just amazing qualities

The right person, won't hurt you.
He will not dare to lie or abandon you.
You don't even have to worry.
He'll be fully prepared to go with you.
Entering into the future as an eternal family
To reach new milestones
And to spend the rest of your lives together.

The right person is yourself

Monday, November 1, 2021

الشخص المناسب

 الشخص المناسب، لن ينزعج من انهياراتكِ 

فهو سيجد الجمال فيها ساحرة 

وكأنها تُحفة أنتيك نادرة

هو سيجعلكِ تشعرين أنك مُهمة للغاية

الشخص المناسب، سيرى

تفكيرك المفرط به صفة جمالية لا أكثر

لن يزعجه ذلك حتى
بل سيفهم لأنه يهتم لمشاعرك

الشخص المناسب، سيبذل كل جهده لتستمر علاقتكما

كالفراشات تماماً
سيجعلك تشعرين بالتقدير والمحبة

الشخص المناسب، لن يهرب من مشاكلكِ بل سيبقى
حتى تتحول ضحكتكِ العابسة إلى ابتسامة خلابة
سيكون دائما هنا من أجلكِ
لجعل كل أيامك سعيدة فقط

الشخص المناسب،  لن يحكم عليكِ
بل سينضم معكِ لتكونوا على نفس الخط
كما وأن جنونكم  سيكبر بصوت عالً وقوي
سيجعلك تضحكين حتى تؤلمك معدتك

الشخص المناسب،  لن يمانع بإعطائك ما تحتاجين من الطمأنينة
فقط لتشعرين كما وكأنك امتلكتي العالم بأجمله
ستشعرين بكل كائن من حولكِ
وستعيشين حياة من دون مجاملات أو تحديات

الشخص المناسب، لن يتوقف عن مراسلتك
حتى لو انشقت الأرض أو أُبتلعت الشمس
سيبقى دائماً بقربك ليشجعك على التقدم
سيجعلك فخورة بنفسك كما لو أنه والدك العزيز

الشخص المناسب، لن يكسر قلبكِ
ستكوني سعيدة كالأطفال مُزدهرة 

سوف حتى يتفاخر بكِ في أي وقت وزمان
ويرى عيوبك الصغيرة كما وكأنها صفات مُذهلة فقط

الشخص المناسب، لن يؤذيكِ
لن يتجرأ بالكذب أو يتخلى عنك.

لا داعي حتى لقلق
سيكون على كامل استعداده بأن يكمل معكِ
الدخول إلى المستقبل كعائلة أبدية
للوصول إلى معالم جديدة
ولقضاء بقية حياتكم معا.

رسالة إليك

  ربما أنت لا تذكر ما الي سأقوله ولكن سأقول في الحالتين أتذكر المرة الأولى التي التقينا فيها يوم الجمعة 25 أكتوبر 2019 في الصباح الباكر عندم...