Monday, December 20, 2021

They Will Return If They Love You

They Will Return If They Love You


Love is a roller coaster of emotions.

It could either be " fighting, breathing, resting, or letting go

What about love, for example? They see its true that love makes you do things you don't want to do
Inflicting your selfish ambitions on each other?
Is love deaf, unwilling to hear the screams and cries?
Is love so blind that it fails to recognize one another's true needs?
However, let go when this "love" begins to reveal its razor blades, cutting through every pulse you used to hold to. Sometimes "love" the once who gave us the courage to rise become the chains that blind us, and turns everything into a series of pensioned events And when that happens, we need to allow ourselves to let go, Let go of this "love" when it becomes selfish, greedy, impatient, unpleasant, and nothing more than a barrel of sorrow and suffering.

Let go, no matter how much it hurts you to see them go.
Yes, love may be overbearing at times.
Love, like everything else on this planet, requires balance.
Keep on fighting, but when it's no longer healthy, give that up.
I believe this more than I believe that if they love you,
they would never leave in the first place,
because there are times when they must leave periods
when you two must separate and find themselves without the influence of your relationship.

It's never simple to find love. You don't say I love you because it's convenient; you say it because it's genuine.
Don't say it because you want your relationship to be safe,
because you don't want to invade your trust's four walls,
because you don't want an argument, because you dislike fights,
and because you would rather settle.
Don't hide the noticeable lines that could lead to this relationship's collapse.
Instead allow these lines to reach your hearts
since they are the lines that will determine whether or not we will succeed.
Please don't say it to lead me to believe everything is fine.

I want you to appreciate these three words you're letting go of;
I want you to understand that this love is and should be the foundation of our relationship,
and that if it's only said to be safe, I would rather you didn't say it.

I will understand if the moment comes when it's no longer convenient to say "I love you," or when it's extremely difficult to do so.
Despite the fact that I still want you to say it, I will understand.
I will  understand the reasons for not being able to say it,
and I would rather accept that than hear you say it without meaning.
I honestly  want us to work out this situation together.
But if you want to let go for a time,
so you may figure out your next steps and future goals;
If there are things you need to settle outside of us, go.
Do what you have to do. I won't make you stay if you don't want to.
Regardless of how much I want you to stay by my side, I will not insist on it.

Love is freedom, and I choose to let you fly without my chains tying you down. I want to release you from me.
I honestly  want you to grow in all aspects of your life possible  in your career, passion and dreams.
I believe you will succeed in the long run.
Deeply saying I  want you to learn new things, get outside of your comfort zone,
acquire experiences, and uncover life's secrets.
To go out and explore life, looking for methods to fill up the gaps in your soul.
So you feel blissed by the things inside you, I want you to fix all the damages in you.
I want you to feel happy again, truly happy.

 Love is giving, I want to use these hands to give you everything you need and to make the sacrifices that come with it. 
I will  put up with the grief that comes with it. And if our love is sincere, it will last.
Parting is never simple; in fact, nothing about love is easy;
it's something we both have to work for.
But I'm not going to wait for you.
I will learn as well, discovering who I am and what I want to do with my life.
And I will always adore you especially in the process.
I mean, is it really possible to despise someone? No, I don't believe so.
You will always be here, imprinted on my heart.

Let's make it work, nourish the love, and watch it grow.
And I know you will be just fine when you return, I know for a fact that I wont be here to fill your emptiness, but I am an addition to you, a lovely spirit you may say. I am going to lay out all of our flaws and mistakes so we can begin the process of healing. There will be forgiveness if we truly love each other. Because love is all about  accepting. We shall empower forgiveness, to grow from strength to strength I shall  love you completely when we meet again I will  love you more than the aches, the tragedies, the misunderstandings, the divergent paths we followed, more than all the challenges And I won't let go as long as there are no valid reasons to do so. I

will  hold on because I'm at home, finally

Because, in the end, no matter how far we went out of our way,
how many people we met, how many years it took,
how many difficulties we faced;
no matter how many twists we took that caused great distance between us,
even if we're halfway over the world... real love will win.

They will  always come back if they actually love you.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Short Poem " Trust me"

 Dear darling here are some reminders

You don’t need his attention to feel pretty nor his friendship to feel lucky. You will never find real love if your still stuck in the memories of the old ones. Trust me, you will regret wasting your time with him, or her. Please remember you are beautiful and your worthwhile
If he makes you feel shitty this early, you don’t want to imagine what he will act like if you to get married, right?
Its better for him to break your heart not than 5 years from now!
If he really loved you, then he wouldn’t make you feel this way (Full of Doubts). Trust me, an unanswered text is a good sign, it means it time to move on! Yes, Maybe he wasn’t your soul mate, maybe he just another boy, simple and If you can’t trust him, then you cant build a life with he. You are pretty comfort is more important than his ego, I know he might be cute, but his looks will fade, and his crappy personality will stay the same. Trust me, you can fall in love again and endlessly
You are too pretty to be sad, don’t be Think of it in a way, “if” your best friend were the dating a guy like him, I am sure you will ask her to dump him right?
Us woman, our standers are high,
Remember, #relationships are meant to reduce your stress,
not add to it, right?
Trust me, you can’t change him,

no matter how deeply you love him. Spend less on boys and focus on your friends and passions, Its your job to make yourself feel whole,
Don’t trust promises, they are broken more than they are kept
Delete him from Facebook please, all you have to do is “press”
Your strong, you can handle heartache,
Don’t waste time waiting for his replies on your messages,
You can live without him, you can, trust your guts
Remember, missing him doesn’t mean texting him again,
You deserve to be loved, Remember that,

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The right person

 The right person,

The right person won't be bothered
by your breakdowns or your meltdowns

Instead he shall find beauty in them,
Take care of them so slowly as they are
a rare antiques masterpiece.

The right person shall make you feel important
He will see your over thinking is an aesthetic quality.
It won't even bother him.
He will understand because
he cares about your feelings.

The right person will do his best
to keep you two together.

Just like butterflies.
He shall make you feel comfortable and loved

The right person,
won't run away from your problems

But will turn every

negative feeling into frowning laughs

He shall will always be here for you
Just to make all your days happy.

The right person, won't judge you
He'll join you to be on the same line.
And your madness will grow louder and stronger.
It will make you laugh until it hurts your stomach.

The right person won't mind giving you
the reassurance you need.
Just to feel like you owned the whole world.
You'll feel every object around you.
And you'll live a life without compliments or challenges.

The right person won't stop texting you.
Even if the Earth splintered or the sun swallowed.
He'll always be around you to
encourage you to come forward.
He will make you proud of yourself
as if it was your dear father

The right person, won't break your heart
You'll be happy as a child, thriving.
He will even brag about you anytime and anytime
He sees your little flaws as just amazing qualities

The right person, won't hurt you.
He will not dare to lie or abandon you.
You don't even have to worry.
He'll be fully prepared to go with you.
Entering into the future as an eternal family
To reach new milestones
And to spend the rest of your lives together.

The right person is yourself

Monday, November 1, 2021

الشخص المناسب

 الشخص المناسب، لن ينزعج من انهياراتكِ 

فهو سيجد الجمال فيها ساحرة 

وكأنها تُحفة أنتيك نادرة

هو سيجعلكِ تشعرين أنك مُهمة للغاية

الشخص المناسب، سيرى

تفكيرك المفرط به صفة جمالية لا أكثر

لن يزعجه ذلك حتى
بل سيفهم لأنه يهتم لمشاعرك

الشخص المناسب، سيبذل كل جهده لتستمر علاقتكما

كالفراشات تماماً
سيجعلك تشعرين بالتقدير والمحبة

الشخص المناسب، لن يهرب من مشاكلكِ بل سيبقى
حتى تتحول ضحكتكِ العابسة إلى ابتسامة خلابة
سيكون دائما هنا من أجلكِ
لجعل كل أيامك سعيدة فقط

الشخص المناسب،  لن يحكم عليكِ
بل سينضم معكِ لتكونوا على نفس الخط
كما وأن جنونكم  سيكبر بصوت عالً وقوي
سيجعلك تضحكين حتى تؤلمك معدتك

الشخص المناسب،  لن يمانع بإعطائك ما تحتاجين من الطمأنينة
فقط لتشعرين كما وكأنك امتلكتي العالم بأجمله
ستشعرين بكل كائن من حولكِ
وستعيشين حياة من دون مجاملات أو تحديات

الشخص المناسب، لن يتوقف عن مراسلتك
حتى لو انشقت الأرض أو أُبتلعت الشمس
سيبقى دائماً بقربك ليشجعك على التقدم
سيجعلك فخورة بنفسك كما لو أنه والدك العزيز

الشخص المناسب، لن يكسر قلبكِ
ستكوني سعيدة كالأطفال مُزدهرة 

سوف حتى يتفاخر بكِ في أي وقت وزمان
ويرى عيوبك الصغيرة كما وكأنها صفات مُذهلة فقط

الشخص المناسب، لن يؤذيكِ
لن يتجرأ بالكذب أو يتخلى عنك.

لا داعي حتى لقلق
سيكون على كامل استعداده بأن يكمل معكِ
الدخول إلى المستقبل كعائلة أبدية
للوصول إلى معالم جديدة
ولقضاء بقية حياتكم معا.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

#NewPoem #Lovepoem

 Love isn't supposed to cause you more harm than good.

When the right person is in the right place at the right time,
everything happens automatically.
It is not difficult to fall in love.
Attachment is difficult, as is sadness, a
nd expectations are challenging.
It's difficult to overcome unconscious anxieties and prior traumas.
It's difficult to lose one's sense of security.
Getting out of your comfort zone is difficult.
It's hard to face the world alone when you thought you'd have someone to lean on.
It's difficult to admit you're lost and that a relationship would help you to find your way.
It's tough to see the one image of your future
in which you had the most committed breakthrough.
Love, on the other hand, is not tough.
What's terrible is all the extra burden that love can leave us with,
all that it hides, and then all that it exposes.
Love doesn't question if you should be together or not.
Affection doesn't leave you looking for
evidence that you should eventually return.
You don't have to wonder if you're worth someone's effort when you're in love.
Romance doesn't make you rethink your passions, your flaws, or the small details that make you who you are.
Adore does not make you feel like you have to compete for it with someone else.
Love does not require you to show your good in order to accept it.
Love is a symbol of life, not an idea.
It isn't something we need to analyze or evaluate.
Those we care about are present in our life at all times.
When presence meets passion, that is love.
Love is when you are just present in every simple minute of every ordinary day,
not in theory, not at some future date, not in promises, not in words.
Love is the most powerful remedy.
Rather than criticizing, they will help you in refining your views.
Instead of looking down on you, they will encourage you to see yourself in a more positive light.
Instead of trying to fix you,
they will support you as you work on yourself.
They'll find out what you want and need,
and they'll try their hardest to show you kindness,
gratitude, and effort on a daily basis.
Not because you asked them to,
or because it's the right thing to do,
but because that's what it's like to live with someone you care about.
If you're in a relationship that causes you more harm than good, it's time to go.
Because your true soulmate is someone who is there for you not run away from
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