Saturday, January 12, 2019

Modern Single, dating

we manage to get our heartbroken
It's like an
attachment gift afterwards
Our healing process,
sometimes takes too long
We forget who had hurts us,
so we think we are done healing
but little do we know,
that our closure did not end yet
Part of us is still
looking for the missing pieces,
"the answers"
Therefore when the "one"
arrives, we freak out
We manage to create
incredible excuses and run
Just to avoid
modern relationships,
because we are worried about
wearing our hearts on our sleeves,
acting vulnerable, and
expressing interest.
Therefore we choose to be protected by ourselves alone
and far away from heartache.
Many of us would be
totally fine by texting someone
24 hours, but not in a healthy
relationship, we don't want to cry!
We don't

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