Tuesday, April 27, 2021

There's a lot more for you to discover here.

I understand how exhausting waiting can be
It is much easier to accept the truth of your situation
and accept that this is all that life has in store for you.

I see you,
your soul is drained
from holding to the hope that anything good could happen here.
I see you,
fighting to hold your heart open and searching for the ray of hope
at the end of the trail.
I see you,
grappling with dreams you've had for a long time,
uncertain if they'll come alive or die a slow death.

I see you,
silently bearing all of this pain while seeing
everything falls into place for those around you.
How you smile for them, rejoice with them,
and cheer with them as their dreams come true,
even though you feel neglected and left behind.

I understand the pain in your heart.
Because I see you in your pain,
but then I also see what your pain isn't helping 
Trust me, there is more for you, 
I am writing you these little notes
so you don't feel lonely in everything you're experiencing.
What you've been waiting for is approaching you.

Don't battle the wait,
don't rush into things to satisfy the ache,
don't give in and settle for things that don't satisfy you,
that leave you empty and lonely even more than when you're alone.

I've discovered that if you hang in there for a little longer,
you will start to see brighter horizons,
and you'll know that your wait was secretly leading you to places you'd never have found otherwise.
As long as you are alive, it's never too late, trust me on that 

I understand how frustrating it is to keep updating your timeline
when nothing seems to change
no matter how long you wait.
And the longer you have to wait,
the more assured you are that you will not be dealt
the lucky hand this time around.
You begin to believe that,
though you are happy in small doses,
all of the major blessings are reserved for others,
otherwise, you would have seen a glimpse of them by now.
When hopelessness overwhelms you,
note that there is always potential
as long as you have air in your lungs and a heartbeat.
Have a little faith 

And, despite the fact that it can seem to take an eternity,
it only takes a split second for your life to change.
And when you arrive,
all the weight will have been lifted,
and you will see that the wait was not in vain.
I want you to try to hang on to this dream wherever you are,
no matter how slowly things are progressing for you.
All the lovely things that have been put in place particularly for you
will make their way to you as long as you're here 
it's never too late I promise
You are worthy of beautiful things, just wipe your tears to see clearly 

I understand how it feels to be controlled by your experience,
your wounds, and your flaws.
To believe that your flaws define who you are.
To conclude that your decisions have made you incapable of obtaining any good.
I want you to know that you are not what you did or who you were a year, a month, or even yesterday when those voices in your head become too loud.

I see how despite your gloom,
you nevertheless yearn to step closer to the sun.
How you continue to want to learn, develop, and improve.
I understand what it's like to know now what you didn't know then,
to wish you could go back in time and make different choices,
to wish you hadn't wasted so much time as that guy. 

But I see you, in all your attempts,
in all the ways you're attempting to do good today,
to do better right now.
Let me also remind you that you are worthy of all the good things in life.
Nothing you have done or been will make you ineligible for what's to come.
To make room for what is to come,
you must learn to let go of what has gone before.
You must keep moving into the sun,
and you will eventually find yourself in places that will brighten your soul and bring it back to life.

So please, allow this to be your loudest echo today:
"I am deserving of wonderful things; there is more for me here."
You can do it, and you will shine because you believe and I 


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